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xwebalizer - Version information

Version 2.5:Integration of the 'Group Domains', 'Hide all Hosts', 'Shade Groups', 'Highlight Groups', 'Debug Output', 'Include Host', 'Include Referrer' and 'Include User-Agent' options.
Integration of the 'Apache Logfile Format', 'Spam Referrer', 'Ignore Redirected HTTP Requests', 'Ignore Partial HTTP Requests', 'Include Search Argument', 'Exclude Search Argument', 'Font Normal', 'Font Bold', 'Fontsize Small', 'Fontsize Middle', 'Smooth Graph Fonts', 'Graph Border Width', 'Show Legends', 'Background Transparency' and 'True Color' options as well as the graph color options of the Stone Steps version of the Webalizer.
Activation of a checkbox on the 'View' tab automatically hides the 'Hostname' entry as a referrer. A leading 'www.' is removed automatically, so that 'hostname.tld' as well as 'www.hostname.tld' are hidden. The 'Hide Own Site as Referrer' field has been removed.
Pressing the F1 key in the GUI opens a context sensitive help for the selected Webalizer option.
Several improvements of the program code.
Update of the GeoLite Country Database to the version of June 2007.
Version 2.3:Integration of the 'HTML-Report Language', 'HTML-Report Characterset', 'GeoIP Database Path', 'Top Downloads', 'All Downloads', 'Download Path' and 'Download Timeout' options of the Stone Steps Webalizer version.
New layout of the 'Hide / Group / Ignore / Include' page.
The configuration file, which is passed to the Webalizer by the GUI, has been changed to UTF-8 format.
When xwebalizer is started or a new loglist is created, the default settings are now read from the 'default.lst' file in the executable directory of the GUI. The 'default-2.lst' file contains advanced settings with long lists of search engines, referrers and hosts (Adapted from the Webalizer configuration file by Enric Naval).
The 'plus'-package of xwebalizer is bundled with the Stone Steps Version of the Webalizer.
The 'plus'-package of xwebalizer contains the GeoLite Country database (Update: December 2006) created by MaxMind, available from
Improved processing speed and reduced memory footprint of the logfile splitter.
Bugfix: Fix of an error when splitted logfiles were saved and reused.
Version 2.1:Integration of the "Top Errors", "All Errors", "DNS-TTL", "Bundle Groups", "CSS-Directory" and "Convert URLs to Lowercase" options from the Stone Steps version of the Webalizer.
The 'plus'-package of xwebalizer is bundled with the Stone Steps Version of the Webalizer.
Possibility to change the executable file of the Webalizer used by the GUI.
Automatic detection of the Webalizer version by the GUI and inactivation of options, which the current Webalizer executable doesn't support.
Improved performance of the splitting of logfiles over multiple domains.
Bugfix: When splitted logfiles were compressed, the saved files weren't automatically used the next time, the Webalizer was run.
Bugfix: Text in the memos is not wrapped any more, a fact, that caused the wrong interpretation of the parameters by the Webalizer.
Bugfix: Closing the 'About'-dialog doesn't terminate the whole application any more.
Version 2.0:Version 2.0 of xwebalizer is comparable to Version 2.0 of the Webalizer-GUI for Windows. It therefore possesses its new, more logical layout. It now is also possible to directly start a browser and display the statistics from the GUI.
Version 1.0:The first xwebalizer version for Linux. The version is comparable with the Windows-Version 1.5.1. There are only slight differences regarding the display of the statistics using the GUI. These will be changed in the next versions of the GUI.